How Healthy Habits Fuel My Creativity

How Healthy Habits Fuel My Creativity

As an artist, I’ve learned that what I put into my body directly impacts my creativity. Over the years, I’ve embraced a balanced, plant-based approach to my diet, while still enjoying lean meats like chicken, salmon and turkey. I don’t restrict myself, but I focus on fueling my body in ways that keep me energized and clear-minded for my work. I’ve found that eating more vegetables throughout the day—whether it’s adding spinach to my morning smoothie, having a salad at lunch, or including veggies with dinner—helps me function at my best, both mentally and physically.

I have plenty of moments where I am not on my game, but I always try to get back on track because I know I will feel better.


Eating well is essential to keeping my creative energy flowing. When I eat regularly, stay hydrated, and focus on whole, nourishing foods, I notice a significant difference in how I feel and how I create. On days when I skip meals or don’t drink enough water, my energy dips, my focus wanes, and my creativity feels stifled. But when I fuel myself properly, I’m able to maintain clarity and enthusiasm throughout long studio sessions.

To keep myself running, I try to meal prep when possible at the start of the week, ensuring I have healthy options ready, like my go-to superhero muffins. Staying hydrated is just as important—I always have water nearby to help keep my mind sharp. On top of eating well, staying active is a crucial part of my creative routine. Whether I’m out for a run or doing strength training, exercise keeps me balanced and centered. Moving my body not only supports my physical health but also clears my mind, making it easier to tap into my creativity when I return to the studio.

Staying on track with these healthy habits takes effort, but I know it’s worth it. Eating well, staying hydrated, and exercising regularly all contribute to my well-being and creative process. When I take care of myself, I’m able to bring my best self to my art, and that’s what fuels me to keep going.

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